Have you ever considered that all training – from the dog’s perspective – is a trick training? Well, qualifier is needed here. Modern dog training is what I’m speaking of. With rewards based dog training as a primary emphasis, you get my point! 

So I hope you’ll join me in thinking of training your dog as playing with your dog. It is about having fun working toward a common goal. My motto is, Play To Learn. 

Don’t get me wrong – playing with your dog isn’t  an ‘anything goes’ sort of thing. All games have rules. Consistently applying those rules, sometimes a little leniently and other times more strictly, to each and every game is of great benefit. You will build a relationship that becomes a give-and-take and a win-win for both you and your dog. 

Competition is good because competition is woven into the fabric of motivation. Lots of times you will want your dog to hold onto the tug toy or resist a little in giving up the flirt pole prize. Aptly named, the flirt pole allows both dog and owner to flirt with one another!  

Flirtation is good! It’s about connection. And having FUN!  When we enjoy our time together, it’s a good thing! Come out and play with your dog!